The Lagos Poem Project aims to elevate and celebrate the top young poets in Lagos. The top 5 winners of the Lagos Poem Project will receive mentorship from Nigerian-American National Youth Poet Laureate, Salome Agbaroji, as well as established poets from Lagos. We will also publish posters celebrating the work of the top 5 poets.


LAGOS Program Project

How It Works, Details, Eligibility & Prizes


The Lagos  Poem Project will be open for poetry submissions from Sept. 1, 2024 – Sept. 30, 2024. The contest is open to young writers across Lagos ages 16-25. We encourage poets to apply from ALL parts of Lagos, from ALL backgrounds. Poets will submit 1-2 poems in either your home language and/or English. PLEASE include an English translation if you submit in your home language. Please do not submit poems that are longer than 2 pages. We will only accept ONE submission per poet.

What are we looking for?

We are looking for your to submit your BEST poetry. We are looking for poems that celebrate your identity and culture, where you are from, and what you are about. That said, ANY subject matter is welcome. Submit the poems that represent you, your poetic style, and your best work.

What’s Next

During the month of October 2024, a panel of diverse judges will review all of the poems and select 5 winners. The judges are poets, writers, organizational leaders and professors. In November 2024, the top 5 winning poets will be announced, along with a group of runners up who will be invited to monthly online workshops. The 5 Lagos Poem Project winners will be published on a poster to be distributed at libraries across Lagos, and they will also be paired with a mentor who will work with them to develop a porfolio of poetry.

The Lagos Poem Project is a program of Urban Word (founder of the National Youth Poet Laureate Program) and in partnership with the U.S. State Department. Internationally, this program is supported by the U.S. Embassy and national/local literary organizations and arts councils.

For all updates please follow our Instagram page at @youthpoetlaureate